Watch "The Man From Button Willow (1965)"
In this animated film, Justin Eagle (Dale Robertson) is an undercover U.S. agent living on a California ranch.
He's sent on a mission to find kidnapped U.S. Sen. Freeman (Clarence Nash), who had been clashing with a crooked businessman who is forcing settlers to sell their land in anticipation of a new railway.
Helping Eagle are his daughter, Stormy (Barbara Jean Wong), friend Sorry (Edgar Buchanan) and a menagerie of creatures, including his horse, Rebel, and Alfy the skunk.
He's sent on a mission to find kidnapped U.S. Sen. Freeman (Clarence Nash), who had been clashing with a crooked businessman who is forcing settlers to sell their land in anticipation of a new railway.
Helping Eagle are his daughter, Stormy (Barbara Jean Wong), friend Sorry (Edgar Buchanan) and a menagerie of creatures, including his horse, Rebel, and Alfy the skunk.